Money Talks: How to Build a Profitable Business

· February 1, 2023

Course Number: ABIO2314

When: Recorded playback is available between available March 22, 2023 – March 20, 2028.

Where: Available under “Course Content” at the bottom of this page.

Description: In this session, we discuss financial planning for the SLP Entrepreneur. We will discuss topics such as; what it means to be financially independent, the definition of “fair value” in regard to selling a private practice, employee/staff retention, and how to plan financially around your goals.

Who This Course Is Good For:

  • Any ASHA member, CCC holder, or other professionals that are licensed or credentialed to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology or preparing to earn ASHA CEUs.
  • A professional who is looking to start a business or has an established business.

Who This Course Isn’t Good For:

  • Any professional that does not plan on creating or maintaining a business of any kind or plans to in the near future.
  • Professionals that solely are looking to work for another company or in a medical or school setting.


Venita Litvack, M.A, CCC-SLP

Venita is an Assistive Technology (AT) Consultant in south Florida. She has a passion for using AAC, AT, and literacy to support individuals with complex communication needs, autism, and other disabilities. Venita has delivered poster presentations on several topics related to AAC at ASHA and co-presented several ASHA CEU accredited courses. Venita co-authored two articles published in ASHA Leader’s online publication, as well as the Lou Knows What to Do book series published by Boys Town Press. Recently, Venita started utilizing the power of social media to empower and motivate educators across the country through the Speechie Side Up podcast, blog, Instagram account, and YouTube channel.

Craig M Goldslager, Financial Advisor

Craig is married to speech pathology. Literally. As the husband of a practicing SLP, he knows the business landscape of Speech Pathology is constantly changing. So, too, are the financial implications of being an SLP. Utterly Financial was created to help Speech Language Pathologists and Private Practice Owners plan for an exceptional retirement. As a Certified Exit Planner, he strategizes with private practice owners to plan an ideal exit from their business on their terms.

Disclosure Statements

Venita Litvack has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: ownership interest in Speechie Side Up, LLC and Tassel Learning, LLC; royalties from the Lou Knows What to Do book series.

Venita Litvack has the following relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose: member of the ASHA Special Interest Group 12.

Craig Goldslager has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: Received a speaking fee from Tassel, LLC for this presentation at SLP CreativeCon where he is a contributing presenter.

Craig Goldslager has no nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

In-Kind Support Disclosure: Tassel would like to thank the following companies for offering products, services, and/or discounts to giveaway to attendees at no charge: Social Moguls, The Independent Clinician, Simple Practice, Therapy Marketing Kit, Wynter Wellness Group, SLP Toolkit, and Create Yourself Co.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of this activity, participants will:
  • Identify 2 financial planning goals
  • Identify how much income is necessary to be financially independent
  • Define “fair value” in regards to selling a private practice
  • Describe 2 ways to retain staff members


5 minIntroductions and Backgrounds
15 minGoals-Based Financial Planning
10 minDefining “enough”
10 minExit Planning/ Succession planning
15 minEmployee Retention
5 minReferences, Closing, Discussion, and Questions
10 minFor the live event: a Q&A discussion panel will take place

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+363 enrolled
Not Enrolled
Included in SLP CreativeCon

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 2 Requirements
  • Course Certificate