Time Mastery for SLPs: Revolutionizing Scheduling and Service Delivery

· April 9, 2024

Course Number: ABIO2421

When: Recorded playback is available between available April 24, 2024 – April 24, 2029.

Where: Available under “Course Content” at the bottom of this page.

Description: In this session, we’ll discover practical strategies to enhance efficiency and productivity in your practice. We discuss how to shift your mindset effectively to streamline processes and save time, enabling you to focus more on client care. We also, explore innovative approaches to modify scheduling and service delivery, facilitating faster client progress while optimizing your time management.

Who This Course Is Good For:

  • Any ASHA member, CCC holder, or other professionals who are licensed or credentialed to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology or preparing to earn ASHA CEUs.
  • Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) working in educational settings with heavy caseloads and limited time for planning and documentation.
  • SLPs in private practice looking to optimize their scheduling and service delivery to maximize efficiency.
  • SLPs interested in learning practical strategies for improving productivity without sacrificing quality of care.
  • New graduate SLPs who want to develop time-saving skills early in their careers.
  • SLPs who feel overwhelmed by administrative tasks and seek ways to streamline their workload.

Who This Course Isn’t Good For:

  • SLPs who primarily work in settings with ample time for planning and documentation, such as research or consulting roles.
  • SLPs who are not currently practicing or are not actively involved in direct client care.


Venita Litvack, M.A, CCC-SLP

Venita is an Assistive Technology (AT) Consultant in south Florida. She has a passion for using AAC, AT, and literacy to support individuals with complex communication needs, autism, and other disabilities. Venita has delivered poster presentations on several topics related to AAC at ASHA and co-presented several ASHA CEU accredited courses. Venita co-authored two articles published in ASHA Leader’s online publication, as well as the Lou Knows What to Do book series published by Boys Town Press. Recently, Venita started utilizing the power of social media to empower and motivate educators across the country through the Speechie Side Up podcast, blog, Instagram account, and YouTube channel.

Carrie Clark, M.A., CCC-SLP

Carrie is a SLP from Columbia, Missouri, USA. Carrie has worked with children and teenagers of all ages in schools, preschools, and even her own private practice. Carrie’s super power is digging through the research on speech and language topics and breaking them down into step-by-step plans. Through her website, Speech and Language Kids, Carrie helps speech-language professionals and others learn how to better support children with communication challenges without losing themselves in the process.

Disclosure Statements

Venita Litvack has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: ownership interest in Speechie Side Up, LLC and Tassel Learning, LLC; royalties from the Lou Knows What to Do book series.

Venita Litvack has the following relevant nonfinancial relationships to disclose: member of the ASHA Special Interest Group 12.

Carrie Clark has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: Receives owner’s salary as the sole owner and operator of Speech and Language Kids

Carrie Clark has the following nonfinancial relationships to disclose: Carrie is a member of ASHA.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of this activity, participants will:
  • Describe 2 ways to change your mindset to streamline and save time
  • Identify 2 strategies to modify scheduling and service delivery to save time and for faster client progress
  • List 3 strategies to streamline data collection techniques
  • Describe 2 methods for reducing planning time


5 minIntroductions and Backgrounds
10 minHow to change your mindset to streamline and save time
15 minModify scheduling and service delivery to save time and for faster client progress
15 minHow to streamline data collection techniques
10 minMethods for reducing planning time
5 minReferences, Closing, Discussion, and Questions

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+413 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 2 Requirements
  • Course Certificate