Apraxia Through the Eyes of an SLP Mom

· May 9, 2023

Course Number: ABIO2320

When: Available June 26, 2023 – June 26, 2028.

Where: Audio available once you register under “Course Content” at the bottom of this page.

Description: In this session, we discuss insights about childhood apraxia of speech based on the speaker’s personal and professional experience as an SLP mom. We identify common knowledge gaps that SLPs and parents may have about CAS, and provide practical suggestions for filling those gaps. The presenter will also share some of the latest research on CAS, highlighting key areas where more research is needed.

Who This Course Is Good For:

  • Any ASHA member, CCC holder, or another professional that is licensed or credentialed to practice speech-language pathology (SLP) or audiology or preparing to earn ASHA CEUs.
  • A professional who works with pediatric clients that have limited natural speech.
  • A speech-language pathologist (SLP) who works in an early intervention setting.
  • A speech-language pathologist (SLP) who works using teletherapy.
  • A professional, educator or teacher who works with children pediatric clients with CAS.
  • Parents or caregivers of children with CAS.
  • Researchers and academics in the field of speech-language pathology and related fields.

Who This Course Isn’t Good For:

  • Any professional that does not currently work with any pediatric clients or plan to in the near future.
  • Highly experienced professionals with advanced training in childhood apraxia of speech and motor-based approaches.
  • Individuals seeking information or training on other speech or language disorders, as this course specifically focuses on childhood apraxia of speech and motor-based approaches.



Venita is an Assistive Technology (AT) Consultant in South Florida. She has a passion for using AAC, AT, and literacy to support individuals with complex communication needs, autism, and other disabilities. Venita has delivered poster presentations on several topics related to AAC at ASHA and co-presented several ASHA CEU accredited courses. Venita co-authored two articles published in ASHA Leader’s online publication, as well as the Lou Knows What to Do book series published by Boys Town Press. Recently, Venita started utilizing the power of social media to empower and motivate educators across the country through the Speechie Side Up podcast, blog, Instagram account, and YouTube channel.


Laura Baskall Smith is a licensed speech-language pathologist is an experienced SLP specializing in the assessment and treatment of children with motor speech disorders. She is the recipient of the 2016 American Speech Language Hearing Media Award for garnering nationwide awareness for CAS. Her passion for the field gained new heights when her daughter was diagnosed with CAS at the age of three. Laura enjoys sharing her unique knowledge and perspective as both an SLP and parent to a child with multiple speech and language disorders. She is the author of Overcoming Apraxia, a memoir on the family experience when a child has CAS.

Disclosure Statements

Venita Litvack has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: ownership interest in Speechie Side Up, LLC and Tassel Learning, LLC; royalties from the Lou Knows What to Do book series.

Venita Litvack has the following nonfinancial relationships to disclose: member of the ASHA Special Interest Group 12.

Laura Smith has the following relevant financial relationships to disclose: The presenter received an honorarium for presenting this course.

Laura Smith has no nonfinancial relationships to disclose.

Learning Outcomes

As a result of this activity, participants will:
  • Describe personal and professional lessons learned through the experience of being an SLP and parent to a child with CAS
  • Identify some of the common knowledge gaps that SLPs and parents may have about CAS
  • Describe 2 myths about CAS and how to debunk them
  • Identify at least 2 challenges that families of children with CAS face and the impact on daily life


5 minIntroductions and Backgrounds
10 minPerspective of being an SLP and mother to a child with CAS
10 minLessons learned being an SLP and mother to a child with CAS
15 minKnowledge gaps between SLPs and parents of a child with CAS
10 minCommon Myths
10 minDiscussion of helpful resources

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+280 enrolled
Not Enrolled
This course is currently closedIncluded in Apraxia Connect

Course Includes

  • 1 Lesson
  • 2 Requirements
  • Course Certificate